Sobre teorias econômicas

Relendo Von Neumann e Morgenstern, Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, logo nas primeiras folhas há uma passagem que merece ser relembrada, principalmente para aqueles que acreditam em uma explicação geral para tudo, em monismo teórico ou metodológico na economia:

First let us be aware that there exists at present no universal system of economic theory and that, if one should ever be developed, it will very probably not be during our lifetime. The reason for this is simply that economics is far too difficult a science to permit its construction rapidly, especially in view of the very limited knowledge and imperfect description of the facts with which economists are dealing. Only those who fail to appreciate this condition are likely to attempt the construction of universal systems. Even in sciences which are far more advanced than economics, like physics, there is no universal system available at present.

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